Charles Six Dot Zero architecture

I have used two ‘dimensions’ to guide the planning, development and progress of Charles Six Dot Zero; the first relates to Outcome factors and the second relates to areas for Action in support of those outcomes. 

Both dimensions have a number of elements that need to be assessed in a clear-eyed way, and then given balanced, if not equal attention. In further posts and pages I expect to develop and explain how these elements work and what they mean, but this page gives the skeleton outline.

Ten Outcome factors beginning with S

For quite some time I have been guided in my attempts to maintain fitness and physical well-being by five S-factors: size, speed, stamina, strength and suppleness – I forget where I first saw the list but it has been useful to identify balance and where to focus.  There are a number of other sports related S-lists which vary slightly but express the same idea.

In thinking about Charles Six Dot Zero I have expanded the list to include a number of other essential elements that I want to pay attention to: Social, Spirit, Spouse, Study, Sustenance. 

That makes ten factors for which I will to seek positive outcomes, mindful of the need to balance the effort devoted to each and the opportunity to leverage that effort between them.

Six areas for Action

The areas for were derived by a very different bottom-up process, whereby all sorts of different current and potential projects and activities were scribbled and workbooked (as illustrated) – from this common themes emerged and the scribbles simplified into the final six types of action required to build Charles Six Dot Zero; Creating, Doing, Learning, Networking, Playing and Sustaining, which can also stated in the imperative: Create, Do, Learn, Network, Play and Sustain.

I have actively used these dimensions in my planning, including to develop a set of WordPress Categories for the blog posts to come – which I hope will help with the task of ‘keeping track’.